Monetise your apps using AdMob ads, Video Ads, Paid apps, In app purchases, Subscriptions and more
Learn how to make money from your app with this complete course on Android Monetisation.
Most online resources show you one strategy and don’t go into practical details about how to build that strategy into a real Android app in Kotlin.
This course will take you step by step and will show you how to implement all the strategies we talk about in a real world example app.
We will learn about:
Banner Ads
Interstitial Ads
Rewarded Ads
How to publish an App to the Google Play Store
Free vs Paid Apps
Sell digital products
Sell subscriptions
The purpose of the course is to give you the knowledge and the confidence to make money from your application.
You have worked hard coming up with an idea for an app, designing it, developing it, maintaining and debugging it, marketing it and building an audience. Now it’s time to be rewarded for your effort. This course will teach you how.
The more people make money from their apps, the more awesome apps there are out there, so it’s a win for everyone.
Sign up now and let’s learn how to monetise your Android App
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